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modern technological advances in society

Query above will open a set of broad and highly debatable conclusions. This is because, the technology is limitless horizon consisting of a variety of fields, from environmental conditions to the problem of government, affecting millions of people around the world. It is therefore logical that technology affects every living soul, either directly or indirectly, is a relative matter. If the rampant use of pollutants in the industrialized world increased rapidly, as well as negative environmental impacts, which affect agricultural production in the most remote corners of the planet. Thus, a person may or may not use the technology directly, but the effects of its use is clear, even in case of no use, by many people.

Therefore, whenever the effect of the use of technology in human thought, all human beings, as a whole must be considered. Although, the various sections of society are affected in various ways, modifications in lifestyle related to any creature that will last. From the simple discovery of human accessories, such as clothing for the most complex studies, such as the human genome project, there is no area of ??human activity beyond the limits to technological intervention.


Given the high level of impact of technology on our society, a typical example is considered below. Of course, these examples are not meant to form a complete coverage of the impact on the lives of our technological advances have been made, but it is reflective of man's dependence on it, be it information technology or internet technology.

A day in the life of one person starts to rise to the alarm sound, which by the way has been programmed into the television or music player, or maybe watch a loud alarm. Earlier, a man who used to ride to the cries of birds or animals, which was largely unexpected, but since then, we have come to a stage where these functions are part of the 'technology significantly ignored'. Get up and get ready for work involving the use of a series of waiting days of ultra-modern technology of facilities for bathing and cleaning applications breakfast, courtesy various refreshing in the kitchen like a refrigerator, oven, toaster and so on. The day began with the help of most modern equipment such as travel, work related and entertainment facilities, in the process of satisfying, caring and secure the lives of certain sections of society. That night, ironically marked the public information with the application of technology, before finally retiring to bed.

But day in the life of an ordinary human being, also may be affected by the bombings, accidents caused by vehicles, certain lifestyle diseases like diabetes and heart attack due to a healthy and fast-paced life. All of this is the negative implications of technology on the lives of ordinary people. Social issues such as the use of the latest gadgets, economic and social development that leads to a more comfortable life, the impact on the sociological aspects of modern war or launch a new phase in global relations, international issues and the environment and so on, enough examples of penetration technology in society.

The question that remains to be answered, instead of how technology affects society. The question is, whether the technology will be able to ensure a conducive environment for the future sustainability and development of modern society.