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Creating PDF-Based Web Reports with PHP 5.0

Size: 14x21 cm
Thickness: 193 pp.
Price: $ 37,800
First published: January 2005
A brief synopsis:
The main problem in making web applications are often located on the printing of reports that are not
neatly. If using the default display in web browsers is not very satisfactory printing results.
Separation pages are often not at the desired limit. But if relying
use of word processing applications (word processor) that runs on one operating system, then
other operating systems would not be able to read the report with the same format, even
there may be no applications that connect to the report. It required form
reports that are universal and can be used by a computer with any operating system.
PDF report is considered quite universal and has provided its readers on a variety of system applications
operations, both Windows and Linux. This requires additional capabilities in order to PHP
create reports in PDF format.
In this book discusses about the PDF-based report generation for web applications. tricks
in making PDF reports can be found here to easily create forms
a desired report.

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