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humans float within the perspective of physics

Hundreds of students from Asia, largely from Indonesia, that followed the Asian Science Camp in Sanur, Bali, last year faced with the challenge of solving it logically through the paranormal phenomena of physics. Mystical phenomena like the human ability to defy gravity by flying through the air with none media, that apparently may be explained by science.

They were presented with live demonstrations of physics through a secret six meditating and 6 were then ready to jump within the air albeit solely many seconds. though generating admiration and virtually no sense, no rationalization was all theory and logic using physics.

"The state of someone will float within the air attributable to the so-called transcendental meditation ™. In their bodies there has been a coherent performance of the brain, therefore it will fly," said TM Regianto specialists. alternative TM professional, I Wayan Sutrisna, explained that the phenomenon is extremely affordable and might be explained through the idea of physics "Meissner Effect" or the coherence theory of resilience.

In the theory of "Meisnner Effect", that proved electron disorder or irregular may be simply penetrated magnetic field. whereas the electrons are coherent, the magnetic field can't be penetrated.

"This is why a coherent thought to beat back negative energy and our bodies will float within the air or Yogic Flying," he said.

Described, with the TM person can emit positive energy, that indirectly stimulate serotonin within the body of drugs that facilitate to be happy. In TM Sidi, sent a body isn't the most goal, however it's desired harmony in thought and body health.

"Even the positive impact may be felt not solely meditators however additionally by the encompassing atmosphere," added Sutrisna at the event.