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LOVE IN MIGHRAB by:Habiburrahman Shirazy Ebook

About the Author
EL is a graduate Habiburrahman Shirazy
Al Azhar University in Cairo. Founder and Primary Caregiver
Islamic School and the Entrepreneurial Work BASMALA INDONESIA,
based in Semarang, Central Java.
He is known nationally as a proselytizer, novelist, and
poet. Several prestigious awards success
achieved, among others, the Pen Award 2005, The Most
Favorite Book and Writer, 2005, and IBF Award 2006. no
he rarely invited to speak at the forums
nationally and internationally, both in its capacity
as a preacher, novelist, and poet. As in Cairo,
Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong, and Iain. His works
always anticipated audience because it is considered to build the soul
and foster the spirit of achievement.
Among his works that have been circulating in
Ayat Ayat Cinta is a market (phenomenal novel that will
dilayarlebarkan, 2004), the fading charm of Cleopatra
(novella, 2004), Sajadah On Love (a collection of stories
model that has been disinetronkan on Trans TV, 2004),
When Love Fruitful Paradise (a collection of exemplary stories,
2005), When Love (novel phenomenal
not even a month has sold 30,000 outstanding
copies, 2007). His work is ready to be completed:
Colour Red sky Makkah, Angel Eyes
Nodes and Honeymoon in Jerusalem.
click here for download ebook

Love Verses by: Habiburrahman Saerozi ebook

Love Verses
Novel Life Builders

Habiburrahman Saerozi
Alumnus of the University of Al Azhar, Cairo

click here for download

Adequacy of perfection and Shari'a islam

Allah He will say: "This day has been fashioned for you your religion, and
has Kucukupkan My favor unto you, and have Kuridhai Islam as a religion
you. "(Surat Al-Maidah: 3)
This noble verse that shows on the completeness and perfection of the Shari'ah
and kecukupanya in everything that it takes people where they
Allah ordered to serve Him as confirmed in
His words, "And I have not created jinn and man to their
worship me. "(QS.Adz-dzariat: 56).
When explaining the third verse is Surah Al-Maidah, Imam Ibn Kathir in
commentary (II/19) said, "This is the greatest blessing of various favors which
Allah gave to the people of God have menyempurkan ini.Yaitu to their
their religion, so they do not need religion to another and also
do not need a prophet in addition to their prophet, the Prophet Muhammad. Because of
that is, Allah makes him as the seal of the prophets and menjadikanya
as well as the prophets sent to all humans and jinn. Then nothing
but what dihalalkannya lawful and unlawful nothing but a
diharamkannya and there is no true religion except religion
Every thing is made of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhe wa sallam is true and
right, without any iota of lies and errors therein. God
says, "And complete the sentence Rabbmu (the Qur'an) as a sentence
true and fair. "That is true in the news as well as command and prohibition of unfair in-
Her. So when Allah perfected the religion for Muslims, meaning it has
a perfect pleasure that God also gave to them. Therefore, no
justified if a person makes new provision in the shari'ah. Because
add Shari'ah means blaming God and gave the sense that
Shari'ah is still lacking and incomplete. And the action is contrary
with what has been described in the Book of Allah (the Qur'an). So it is not
unimaginable when people add Shari'ah of God and is considered beyond reproach.
This understanding is an understanding which is believed by all Islamic scholars, and
Praise be to Allah, but unfortunately most humans mengingkarinya.Firman-
Him, "And they deny because tyranny and arrogance (they)
but their hearts believe the truth. "(Qur'an: An-Naml: 115)
Narrated from Tariq bin Shihab, he said, "The Jews said to
Umar Rhadiyallahu 'Anhu,' Surely you read the passage in your book.
If the verses came to us, the Jews will undoubtedly be our
make that day a feast. ' Umar Rhadhiallahu 'Anhu said,' What is it? '
They answered, 'verse on this day has been fashioned for you your religion,
and has Kucukupkan My favor unto you, and have Kuridhai Islam as
religion for you. ' Umar said, 'By Allah, I surely understand the day diturunkanya
verse to Rasullah Saw and fall time. this verse was revealed to him
on the afternoon of 'Arafah, the Day on Friday.' "(HR.Bukhri (45) and Muslim (3017))
The Messenger of Allaah Alahi wa salam said: "It is not God sent a
prophet to a people before me, but he must leadeth his people to
goodness he knew and warned them of the evils which he
to know. "(HR.Muslim from Ibn 'Umar). Thabrani in Mu'jam Imam Al-Kabir
(1647) mentions a history of Abu Dhar Al-Ghifari Radhiyallahu'anhu, he
said, "Rasullulah Shallaalahu 'alaihi wa sallam left us and no
burungpun a second flapping his wings in the air melainka
mentioned to us about science. "He said," Then Allaah Rasullullah
'Alaihi wa sallam said, "There is nothing closer to heaven and
distanced from hell but has been explained to you. "(sanadnya
Shahih.lihat takhrijnya in Al-Itman (21 399), Ar-treatise: 93, Imam Ash-Shafi'i
tahqiq Shaykh Ahmad Shakir)
This hadith clearly states that every thing that brings us closer
to heaven, then Rasullullah sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam has menjelaskanya
to us, and everything that keeps us from hell also been
dijelaskanya also to us. Therefore, a heretic, whatever its form,
is the argument against the Shari'ah and the audaciousness very buruk.Sebab
with heretical, it means the culprit claimed that the Shari'ah is not enough and
incomplete and thus require a new thing and the addition of it.
Islam is the perfect deen. That is quite understood by the
Companions of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alayhi wa salam. As mentioned in history
a saheeh, that Ibn Mas'ud Rhadhiyaallahu 'anahu said, "Follow the Sunnah,
and do not make a heretic. For ye have dicukupkan, and
every innovation is misguidance. "(HR.Abu Kaitsamah in" Al-Science (No. 54) from the road
Ibrahim An-Nakha'i he said, has said Abdullah. And sanad is saheeh)
In conclusion, that people who declare good to the things that
new no basis in religion that propped him (heretic)
the same as stating that the Shari'ah is not perfect for them.
Thus, the ahlu heresy to say, either directly or indirectly,
that syri'at incomplete and the remaining things that need to be justified. Because
if they believe in completeness and perfection syri'at from all sides,
they would not have to make new things that have nothing to arguments in
religion and they lean to him (heresy) and does not correct the shari'ah.
And people who say, that the Shari'ah has not been perfect is misguided from
straight path.
Ibn Majisyun said, "I heard Imam Malik said, 'Whoever
create a heresy in Islam and considered as good then
in fact he considers Shalalllahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam, betrayed
Treatise. For God said, "This day has been fashioned for you
your religion. "So, what's on haitu not a religion, on the day even this is not a religion
Truly the ways of implementing the true religion and worship is what really
is described by the Creator of human beings through the oral His Messenger, the Prophet
Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam. So, who is adding or
reduce it, actually means he has violated the All-Wise Creator
Knowing that he was dispensing his own medicines, then it might be something that
the drug was considered as a disease and is considered worship was
immoral, was he not merasakanya.sebab this religion has really complete
and perfect. then who add something in it, actually
he has menyangaka that religion is still lacking and he perfected it
to consider whether something is damaged by his wits and her fantasies
are bleak.
Imam Ash-Syaukani in his book Al-Mufid Al Qaul (hal38) said, when
denied some people who did something heretical in the case according to
their own opinion, "If God has perfected His religion before the Prophet
Allaah 'alai wasalam died, then to what opinions are made orangorang
after Allah perfected His religion? If that opinion is
part of the religion according to their beliefs it means that religion is not
perfect but by their opinion. And that means a rejection of
Al-Quran. And if his opinion does not include religion, then what are the benefits he
busied themselves with something that is not included in the religion? '"
Science was my brother before the words and deeds, and let us keep
oral-oral us from saying about something we know about
especially in matters of religion so that we do not fall into sin
itu.Mudah biggest may be that Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala meunjuki us to
straight path, as described by Allaah Rasullullah
'Alahi wa sallam, and we ask Him so we turned off the
dinnul haq carry this and obtain paradise, Amen.
Sources: Dissecting The roots of heresy; Publisher: Library of Al-Kautsar; Penarang: Ali Hasan
Al-Halabi Al-Atsari

quick and easy way Writing Thesis Proposal

Write a Thesis Proposal

The fact we are at the Department of Archaeology:
Writing a proposal that should be written in the third, just started written after the fifth year
"The problem is that yes there is no problem"
Proposals already seminar, tapai still difficulties in writing thesis
What is the proposal?
The proposal is a statement of the urgency for research (interesting issue, following the developmental needs of science, people have not been investigated, or have implications for theoretical and practical)
The proposal describes the proper research organization, systematic and logical
Can project what will be done and the results in the field
The proposal is key to the success of the research process in the "field".
Completeness of proposal writing and sitematika
1. Background
The background contains a description of the important and needed to do research. Alasah should be directed to the nature and implications of the phenomenon itself, will be even better if given the justification of theories or concepts. Therefore, the background should be mentioned too many facts to reinforce the reasons for the need for such research.
2. Formulation of the problem
Formulation of the problem is key in any investigation, there is no problem then there is no research.
Research problem should be formulated with a sharp, clear, focused, and should follow the logic of thinking is correct.
Formulation of the problem is based on creativity and imagination of researchers, which can be sourced from personal interests or derived from theory.
That problem should be problematic, it means having the gap between the real with the ideal, thus requiring an explanation for the gap that will have broad implications both theoretically mapun practical.
Therefore, it is quite a problem. Then, the problem is elaborated (unloaded) to research questions, but not too much (maximum of three questions), so the question becomes the focus, not widened everywhere.
3. Objectives of research
The goal of course is largely determined by the problem presented, and its nucleus contains the contribution of scientific research results to the interests or the interests that are practical.
4. Literature review
Insisted the exposure history of a literature review of research ever undertaken, both related to the theme raised and the location / area that will be studied. Exposure to it not only contains about important discoveries of peneliian already done, but also on approaches and methods they use. Therefore, the literature review also serves to demonstrate the originality of research, that the study is different from the research that has been done, or can also be complementary and improve the research has been done.
5. Theoretical framework
Theoretical framework is a framework to answer the research question. The term "theory" here refers to the source compilation framework, which is either existing theories, the definition of the concept, or even can be also of logic. People are usually hesitant to use the word "theory", because he considered only for research that deductive reasoning. Actually not. Once again, the framework for answering the research questions the research is still needed in inductive reasoning. If the concept is used as the source of the frame, then the subtitles can be changed to "conceptual framework". If the logic is used, then the sub-title is a "framework".
6. The research method
Understanding the methods, approaches, and reasoning in the thesis we often jumbled and wrong use.
The research method is a way or the concrete steps of the research: reasons for site selection, apat way data is collected, processed and analyzed. The method used is determined by the problem presented.
The approach is a tool or a worldview which is used to "close" problem
Reasoning is a way or path of thinking (inductive, deductive)
Context of writing a proposal
1. Topics of interest
2. Think of the ease in collecting and analyzing data
3. Mastery of the material
Write a Thesis Proposal
J. A. Sonjaya
The fact we are at the Department of Archaeology:
Writing a proposal that should be written in the third, just started written after the fifth year
"The problem is that yes there is no problem"
Proposals already seminar, tapai still difficulties in writing thesis
What is the proposal?
The proposal is a statement of the urgency for research (interesting issue, following the developmental needs of science, people have not been investigated, or have implications for theoretical and practical)
The proposal describes the proper research organization, systematic and logical
Can project what will be done and the results in the field
The proposal is key to the success of the research process in the "field".
Completeness of proposal writing and sitematika
1. Background
The background contains a description of the important and needed to do research. Alasah should be directed to the nature and implications of the phenomenon itself, will be even better if given the justification of theories or concepts. Therefore, the background should be mentioned too many facts to reinforce the reasons for the need for such research.
2. Formulation of the problem
Formulation of the problem is key in any investigation, there is no problem then there is no research.
Research problem should be formulated with a sharp, clear, focused, and should follow the logic of thinking is correct.
Formulation of the problem is based on creativity and imagination of researchers, which can be sourced from personal interests or derived from theory.
That problem should be problematic, it means having the gap between the real with the ideal, thus requiring an explanation for the gap that will have broad implications both theoretically mapun practical.
Therefore, it is quite a problem. Then, the problem is elaborated (unloaded) to research questions, but not too much (maximum of three questions), so the question becomes the focus, not widened everywhere.
3. Objectives of research
The goal of course is largely determined by the problem presented, and its nucleus contains the contribution of scientific research results to the interests or the interests that are practical.
4. Literature review
Insisted the exposure history of a literature review of research ever undertaken, both related to the theme raised and the location / area that will be studied. Exposure to it not only contains about important discoveries of peneliian already done, but also on approaches and methods they use. Therefore, the literature review also serves to demonstrate the originality of research, that the study is different from the research that has been done, or can also be complementary and improve the research has been done.
5. Theoretical framework
Theoretical framework is a framework to answer the research question. The term "theory" here refers to the source compilation framework, which is either existing theories, the definition of the concept, or even can be also of logic. People are usually hesitant to use the word "theory", because he considered only for research that deductive reasoning. Actually not. Once again, the framework for answering the research questions the research is still needed in inductive reasoning. If the concept is used as the source of the frame, then the subtitles can be changed to "conceptual framework". If the logic is used, then the sub-title is a "framework".
6. The research method
Understanding the methods, approaches, and reasoning in the thesis we often jumbled and wrong use.
The research method is a way or the concrete steps of the research: reasons for site selection, apat way data is collected, processed and analyzed. The method used is determined by the problem presented.
The approach is a tool or a worldview which is used to "close" problem
Reasoning is a way or path of thinking (inductive, deductive)
Context of writing a proposal
1. Topics of interest
2. Think of the ease in collecting and analyzing data
3. Mastery of the material

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Court Procedures In The Indonesian State

Number: 155/Pdt.G/2008/PTA.Sby.
THE NAME OF GOD the Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Religious High Court of Surabaya who examine and adjudicate
the level of appeal in civil court judge has dropped the Majlis
decision as mentioned below in the case;
ORIGINAL plaintiff, age 27 years, the religion of Islam, private employment, where
living in Lamongan, original plaintiff is now the comparison;

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core of a book

a book could be read with impregnated core of the contents of the book but if you can do what's written the book, in many ways the author makes the words to be understood by the reader in every word and phrase that is given to make us impressed and the hottest made but can we continue in our actions in each of our daily life in real life. now there are a few tips you can do for a book can be embedded in you in your daily life if only for a moment to read as follows:

1.each time you finish reading the book apply what is useful from the book not ever finish reading the book before you can do better than the books you read you are an inspirational book and the book is that you

4.each time you read a book shadows never too late to do what is contained in the book

5.when you read it you should be able to find the most important point of the contents of the book and do what is best in it real in your life

ReachingThe Palace Love Marriage Through Eternal

Talking about marriage a lot of regrets. Sorry if you know thisfavors why not the first. Regret was a lot of misery. Marry itnot easy, easy it kabulnya consent. The five pillars of marriage must be memorizedand must complete all of them.Similarly, a mandatory requirement of marriage to men who must be considered.What if we do not yet have a cost? It must be believed that each person hadno sustenance. Married that combines two fortune, fortune women and menmet, the problem is whether the provision was taken in a way that blessedor not. God did not create man with a sense of hunger without beingfood. Turn man to worship God which of courserequires energy, it is impossible God does not give us sustenance.The cost of marriage is not a costly matter, what matters there. So when itemergency even allowed to borrow to get married rather than closer to adultery.If you are married after the consent granted, do not be so riya by holdingreceptions. This is not going to be a blessing. For example ininvited, only include the rich only, the poor are not invited.Even the Prophet forbade invited by discriminating status. Inheld a reception not to expect replies income earned.Dowry problem the best are the gold dowry money and the mostgood is money. Give her as much as we can, not onlystruggling with a set of prayer alone. Messenger prefers goldand money and this is the right woman. Early marriage do not imagine a housegood. And the best husband to his wife's words are advised wifefor close to God. If the wife is close to God and he will be guaranteed byHopefully God through us. Three formula that must always remember there arein sura Al-Asyr. Every day increases, increasing age, we were losing moneyexcept the three groups that lucky group.The first group is the one who always thought hard how to orderher belief in God increases. For all the happiness and gloryproportional to the level of confidence in God. No one is sincereexcept believe in God. No patient unless known to God. Noorng the ascetic to the world except the person who knows the wealth of God. Notawadhu people except those who know the greatness of God. The more familiar andknow with God all considered small. Every day in our lives shouldthink about how we are close to God.If God loves creatures of all affairs will be OK. One proofhundredth of a bountiful nature of God's creation can be distributed to allviewed the attitude of a mother who gave birth to a child. Time painbirth, nine months pregnant without complaining that the child is not necessarilywill repay the kindness. Not sleeping when her son was sick, taking care of children from the startKindergarten through high school. Thinking about college costs. Start financed until marriage to have childreneven accepted to stay at home mother. But his willingness is still onlyradiated. That is one hundredth of the nature of God.Always willing commitment of households where this will be taken. Maybe the fatheror a mother who died earlier this important family will gather at the Paradise.Regardless of a home should be a way closer to God. Buy goodsshould any items you like God. So that our homes be homesdispleasing to Allah. May have good things without colored with arrogant.Not the case expensive or cheap, good or not but whether it canaccounted hand of God or not. Even in listening to the songdispleasing to Allah who knows when we are called by God to hear the song. Our houseGod must be oriented. Calligraphy with the words of God. We are pleased to see the houseluxury and Islamic. Make all the treasures to be preaching from cars to houses.Each had the money to buy books, create libraries at home for guestsvisit to read and add to knowledge. Do not give gifts widths onlyfood, try to provide books, tapes and other useful readings. Do not fretthinking about our needs, it's all not going anywhere. God knowsour needs than our own. God created the intestine with the design fornot hungry may not be fed. God told us to close the genitalia, notmay not be given clothes.What we think God already knows what we think. Which shouldwe think about is how close to God, then God's willcare. We tend to think that was not ordered by God notthat he had caused. If our relationship with God good all will be OK.Any person who kept close to God, will be given a way out everybusiness. And secured with sustenance from places unexpected. Andwhoever convinced her that God had everything, everything will dicukupkanneeds. So is not this world be a problem but our relationshipwith Allah is the problem.The second class are households that will lose is the householdless charitable. Never tired to think about what we want, but think about whatwe can do. Our minds should only think of two things namelyhow the liver can be clean, sincere, and clear so do whatever sincereand that both continue to increase the strength to continue doing. Thought it was notrefers to earn money but how menyedekahkan money,help, and happy person with a smile. So wherever wewas like a radiant sun that illuminates the dark, to pick the seeds,brighten the atmosphere. After that submit to God. Each of us pickedgarbage for the sake of Allah will be rewarded by God.His colleagues all, Let us change the paradigm. Households that mostlucky is the most widely household productivity kindness. MoneyThe most blessed is the money the most high productivity, is not happysee our money on deposit or savings recorded. Money should be placed inBank. What happens is multiefek for others, it makes our moneyblessed. Instead of the money we saved in the bank then the bank went bankrupt,stored under the mattress fear of being robbed.Kaya may home productive. May have intended to house many of originblessed by God it will prosper. Purchase of land as wide as possible. Mostdonated, then built a mosque. Rewards will flow to us untildoomsday. So continue to look for money not to enrich themselves butdistribute to the community. Alms it will not reduce our treasureexcept to grow. So our minds are not going to get what we? but willdo we?. Is this the day I was helping people, have a smile,how many people I said, how many people I help you?The more demanding the more accomplished. The more strongly we insist that God does notpermit will not be realized. We have respected, even God's willshows our shortcomings. We actually will be abused, hurt results. Peoplethe lucky ones, each time earning his thoughts about goodness. While livingdo, after death we will not be able. If it's doing God's willwill give, that's his name sustenance. People who are fortunate are those whoThe most productive kindness.A third of households or people who are lucky it is thought eachday thinking about how he could be a counsel in truth and patienceand he lovers of counsel in truth and patience. Every day seek inputadvice everywhere. The words that best that we say isask for advice and counsel. Ask for advice to the child's father, would not necessarilyloss of prestige. Similarly, a supervisor in the office.We must strive every day to get information and corrections from outside parties,we will not be a good adviser before he became a person whobe advised. We can not give advice if we can not acceptadvice. Do not ever argue, increasingly busy defending themselves more clearlyour weaknesses. The reason is our weakness. How to answer the criticism isevaluation and self-improvement. It may take a month even a year.Enjoy advice as sustenance and living proof of success. Dear life onlyonce and a while just to deceive yourself. Feel cool in the world but despisedbefore God. Feeling clever but foolish in the eyes of God.Hopefully we can apply the three things above. Every time fliesincrease the knowledge for faith to increase, every time the content by adding the reward.

Never Married With chimera

That afternoon Nadia requested time to consult the teacher of biology. To SisterFida, so he used to call it biology teacher Nadia began to complain ofproblem, that until now he could not fully 'love' toAhmad, newly married her husband two months ago."So what's with Ahmad, Nad?", Be careful brother Fida asked. ThenNadia meluncurlah of mouth, "Yes uncle Ahmad was actually good, but there is somethingwhich for me is less. Should have an activist's recitation of his liferegular, orderly, and never miss the prayer in the mosque, do not missevening prayer, reading the Qur'an 1 juz every day, always be gentle to his wife, patient,neat, could be a friend of discussion and vent wife, had taught his wife, not likewatching television, can take some heart-in-law, right? "As he fix the mess his books (his wife was out of the houseFarhan and his return from work to find his house in a state of 'helterskelter '), Farhan said to himself, "I think marrying athe veiled meaning the housekeeping so wrong. Should have a wife that couldcook, skilled home committee, worship okay, clever serve her husband, patient, diligent,soft, disconnected invited discussion, champion-in-law took my heart ...Farhan Nadia and may represent the majority of us who entered the gatesmarriage with a mountain of wishful thinking about the figure of an ideal partner. Typicallike this usually have their own idealism about the couple, long beforewedding day arrives. Idealism was so over the mind and soul to keepcarry over until they get married, and when, after marrying her partner wasnot as idealism, they were disappointed and then tends toblame circumstances or other parties.It is legitimate that we have ideals, including ideals of the criteriacouples. Unfortunately, most of us think that an ideal canjust down from heaven and incarnated in front of us. Whereas withThus our ideals that ultimately became a mere chimera.Idealism about anything will not come into reality if notchampioned.Notice the word of Allah swt in Surah An-Nisa 'verse 123:"Reward of God is not by wishful thinking nor an emptychimera by scribes. Whoever is doing the crime necessarilywill be rewarded with a crime and he did not have protective andnor helper besides Allah for him. "Back to Nadia and Farhan, their idealism about the criteria have been pairedbe a chimera. They thought that by marrying an activist recitationor a veiled woman all matters to be settled, home lifesteps into full flower fragrant scent, no gravel let alonewaves, just as beautiful as that described in the books. Chimera thatwould make them disappointed. Yes, why is as the saying goes, 'noivory that is not crack 'or' nobody's perfect '(no one is perfect). Nothere are people who Ma'shum (awake from wrong and sin) except Prophet Muhammad.All human beings must have their advantages and disadvantages, no human beingon himself alone there are only advantages, as well as no humanwhich itself is only there is a shortage. Thus imagine the couplewe are a figure flawless brother just because he or veiled,in my opinion is the view of less wise.A brother or a veiled woman is a human. Commitment andtheir adherence to the religion is a form of their seriousness inprocess the self becomes a devoted servant of God. And, it wasvery human, if in carrying out the process there are drawbacks.Hence the recitation or female activists that berjilbadoes not mean they turn into angels who have never doneerror and does not also mean they are transformed into a man without blemish.Happy household that became heaven for the residents is the ideal everypeople. But he would just be wishful thinking if no effort andstruggle from both parties-the husband-wife-to make it happen. Similarly,As with the desire to have and be a desirable ideal partner. Hewas only a wishful thinking as long as we do not try to process it intoreality. That's why marriage is actually a field of charity andjihad for the people who live it.Well, from the description above we can conclude several things:- It must be realized that the name of idealism that does not just come down fromsky, but it must be fought. That way when we have the idealismabout marriage and the ideal partner for example, we realize that formake it a reality is to fight orin other words we are ready to make our marriage later on as the charity fieldand our jihad in the process itself becomes more qualified.- Realizing that the idealism that controls the mind and soul can evolvebe a mere chimera. Married with him and will onlymake us a daydreamer, easily upset, tend not to be gratefulagainst what is, even to people who like to blame circumstancesor any other party.- Remember always that we marry our partners with all that ison himself the form of benefits and drawbacks. The surplus to be thankful,shortcomings become us to fix the fields of jihad for Allah.That way we will not be easily disappointed for any shortcomingsfound on our spouse.- Lastly, mark these words ... "Do not marry a delusion."

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story of the owner's garden

love is something we will never know in life we will but love is a gift from the power when we feel it in the ins and outs of our lives when we feel the love that's what we are as the following story:

Zawaj Zawaj al-Mubarak al-Mubarak was a slave who has been
freed by his master. Later he worked as a guard gardens pomegranate.
One day the owner of the garden came to the garden with her best friend pomegranates.
He told Zawaj al-Mubarak, "Please give that sweet sweet pomegranate!"
Al-Mubarak then went to pick some fruit and pomegranate
give it to the owner of the garden. However, pomegranate, pomegranate that he was picking it turns out
sour. cash only plantation owner was angry, "What you can not distinguish
Where pomegranate sweet and sour which ones? "With the fear of Al-Mubarak
"Lord never gave permission for me to know where
sweet and sour which ones. "The master felt cheated and
more angry, "Weird. You've worked in this garden a few years ago,
and you say this. "owner of the land still think that Al-
Mubarak lied to him. Finally he asked his neighbors in
around the garden is about Al-Mubarak. They said that Al-Mubarak
have never seen anything eat a pomegranate fruit in the garden. Si
plantation owners returned to al-Mubarak and said, O Al-Mubarak! I
only have one daughter. With whom should I
wed? "" Jews get married just because of wealth, married Christians
only because of beauty, Arabs marry, while the man just because nasab
Islam to marry because of devotion. Which Includes a host of the fourth
classes? "I've got an opinion, sir daughter wed to a person
from the master class included therein. "Al-Mubarak said." the owner
garden said, "Nothing in this world who are more pious than you
O Al-Mubarak. "Then he married his daughter with Al-Mubarak. And
result of this marriage gave birth to a devout and pious scholars, namely, Imam
Abdullah Ibn Mubarak. Sunnguh true word of God Almighty "And the good soil,
as the plants grow fast with the permission of Allah, and the soil is not fertile,
as the plants grow miserable ... "(Surah: Al-A'raaf paragraph 58).
Source: GOD

the song is just an illusion

so much time is wasted in vain until the day that there is no grief which now changed periodically, he is my first love is now no day with him again now just a shadow virtual universe with him more and only God knows for what I feel now is all that there is no feeling felt by someone other than me my life is not his ego like a song from the band entitled kangn yolandaso many songs that describe my feelings in the world but not rock or hip-hop this is what our lives are always in love love is sometimes a song can be an inspiration for us to live semangatkan sometimes also makes getting sick ... look at ourselves that we choose sendirimana What sadness there is happiness because it all ourselves be your self

love in the hearts

as where the song ungu band love in the heart of this story exists in every person who has a heart the deepest sense of someone he is increasingly present in our chests sometimes be injured when the beloved no longer care what we think.growing number of stories we love in the world live in our hearts sometimes difficult to understand in this life is the taste of love in our hearts.he is always our hearts he is always haunt us he is always there in every fancy us but he's not ours that's where the love in the hearts as we hear the songs that we hear INDONESIA ungu band far.the love that we once coached now sirnah already love we feel now there goes all our hearts he dicintadia who perished in self love and our hearts are just there.then becoming increasingly cried in our hearts he was just becoming apparent shadow then passed it already but the more distant Far heart remains there for him even though that's not ours anymore love in the heart.



Before dusk. As I waited all day after I had spent my time outside the home. My little son who started to grow large is always pictured in eyelid. His smile is comical, fragrant body, laughter exhilaration, chatter, all of which make longing to grow every time. My son, he is always makes me laugh even though the load was so heavy. Unfortunately I do not can enjoy this every time. Minimum of nine hours a day I'm alone time without his presence. I was not as lucky woman others who are able to decide to stay at home, waiting for his son every time. I still need this job, to support economic our family.Oops, my mind suddenly flashed to office work today. So many work has seized almost all of my energy. And make no time catapult smile. Soon motorcycle taxi drivers will stop right in front of my house. After I pay, motorcycle taxi driver went out with a deafening roar his motorcycle. And, the door opened."Mamaaa!" A small shouts greet me, even accompany sincere smile."I'm happy when Mama comes. I'd play the same religion. Drinking milk four times, "the tiny mouth nonstop storytelling. While I was already exhausted by a variety of problems in the office, such as no longer have the energy to respond as hoped.Suddenly, the little hand was holding the digital camera yet I keep on cupboard. And, as fast as lightning to open it, activate it and the camera lens was touched his hand repeatedly. Spontaneous I'm forced to take the camera out of his hands. My eyes widened."Forgive me, Mama laughed. Mama do not be angry ...??"Instead of abating, even anger peaked. Does it growl getting ducked. Tears flowed among the tears. My heart is hot yield did not see the scene. My heart is telling me the other side to grabbed her into my arms, but more emotion tattoo myself. I even went, leave her to cry even louder, only accompanied by caregiver."Mom ... Mom mad, I'm sad," the three-year boy was still crying. Mother nanny to calm him."Already, I do not cry. Now I apologize again to Mama.""Mama, I'm sorry. Mama do not be angry ... I'm sad," there was no error sentences not make an open apology. Nearly ten minutes of crying did not abate. Apologies were incessant saying. Knocked on my door, and opened it slowly."Mom ... do not be angry, yes, I apologize."Suddenly it occurred to me a story at the time of the Prophet Muhammad. At that time, wetting a baby in her lap of the Prophet and the mother immediately grabbed the boy from the lap of the Apostle. It turned out that the Apostle does not allow the mother do that, because of unclean clothing can be cleaned while he was still harsh treatment of the mother will continue to imprint in the mind of the child. Astaghfirullah ... This action, far far more rugged than what is done mother in the story. What have I done to trust this God.Instantly I hugged my son. Tears began to subside again broken. I have ignore the mandate of thy Yes Robb ... forgiven me, excuse for my fault."Mama's good? Ayo Mama laughed," she said amid sobs."I'm sorry Mama, dear," I said smiling. Back embrace him inmy arms."I love the Mama. I love Mama," she said, still in between sobs that makemy heart is like a cut-cut."Mama is also very dear to me.'m Sorry, Mama often impatient andI scolded, "I replied.Now I realize. Not an error if he held the camera lens. It's all just part of learning he was living. And no Naturally, I'm bored at work I brought home, until a small problem made me lose patience with him. He pearl should I keep all the time. I have taken away their rights for always by my side. Now I still have to tell her off ... Excuse Mama affection. I feel myself, to be patient with him. To relax their nerves nerves when the emotions start rising. Mama will not promise to love, but God willing, Mom will learn to prove. Athan maghrib reverberate. I took the water to perform ablution, and I took his prayer. Will These faces bowed before him, begging forgiveness for his negligence new I made it.

What a beauty with Yourself

A pair of Husband and Wife went for a walk to the store. Looking for wedding gifts souvenir for friend. Glassware rack parked right they see a very beautiful cup. "Look at that beautiful cup .. why do we not choose that course?" Said the wife, pointing to the cup in question. "That's right ... .. it was beautiful cup deserves to our friends," said husband who also admire the beauty of the ceramic cup. When about to reach the cup and the cup suddenly spoke "Thank you for your attention ... thanks you guys had chosen me as your friend a special gift ... Maybe you need to know ... I was formerly a piece of clay that is not useful. But one day .. a craftsman threw me into a spinning wheel with dirty hands. Then I spun in circles until I felt dizzy. Stop ... stop ....!I yelled .. but the craftsmen would not stop playing myself. Hit me even threw myself into the wooden table. And mercilessly put me in a hot fireplace. I got louder scream for mercy and told him to stop grilling me on the hearth. But he said "No. .. Be patient .." Finally, he lifted me from the fireplace and let cool. .. I thought it was over my pain. Thank God ... Oh God .. was not finished until there suffering. I gave the young woman in the picture and color it. Smoke and the smell of dye makes me sick. I started screaming again. The young lady said .. "Be patient, soon .." He gave me the craftsmen returned to be inserted into the fireplace back and who now feel increasingly red-hot. It really is not endless suffering ... so I muttered. From the fireplace that gets very hot and I was lifted after a really cold by a young woman I was placed in front of the glass. There I saw myself. I'm surprised at all. Is that me?piece of clay that was dirty and unattractive? I'm beautiful.There I saw the beauty that has never witnessed before. All the suffering I experienced during this now lost already. If I knew this would eventually .. I will not scream in pain. My friends like that Allah Almighty our form. He formed us with exams and a lot of agony and covered in blood and tears. But that's changing our way for us to be beautiful and radiant radiate His glory.If you all are in override pain is on a test by God with sickness, poverty, be patient, pray kuikut. Do not be discouragedGod's heart is being shaped. Formations it is painful but after all that process is complete now see how beautiful God shaped you. Blessed my friend ...!

Mother and Time

Being a wife and a mother's weight at the same time. Not only timespare yourself a percentage that must be scrapped for the sake of the family,but also the portion of empowering themselves who seem to have graduallydegradation. Due to busy taking care of the household then? So to speak ofthe reason some women.I met many friends who are married women, who complain about thingsabove. They say that much of their time is taken overonly take care of household knick-knacks, from start affairs kitchen, laundry,clean house, serve their husbands, and keep children to sleepuntil late at night. Power and the mind has definitely drained. And ends,forgiveness that is often so weapons are no longer to diligently read the book,multiply recitations, and do other voluntary forms of worship.Though being a mother and wife need power, not only interms of physical strength. A mother who has extensive knowledge, will be'School' eternal future for their children, and obedience will formthey become one full of faith. A wife who hasintelligence, will certainly be a friend to talk and confide in the very heartfun for the husband. Nor worship maintained, would make the husbandgrowing mutual affection and motivated to improve the quality of self.The problem now is on the skills of each woman's self tomanaging all its activities. So no longer is no reason 'no time'or 'no time'. There is no one perfect mother and wife, but weall can try to optimize the existing power, to remainThis self made 'glow' not only from the outside.I know a young mother who has had four children. Ageitself may be about three decades. He was a fairly prolific writer, andeven recently has issued another new book. I immediatelyinterested to ask about tips-tricks in taking the time towriting, whereas three children had school. I imagine, howbusy he must divide his time to them. One of my tipsget is, write in the morning around eight to elevennoon. At that time, her three children were in school, and her husband are inoffice, until he had enough time to finish the script. Well,if so, there was no 'break in the morning' or 'siesta' dong! So I thoughtinstantly. But he replied, "While waiting for their return, the time availablemust be best utilized. "Trying to become self-reliant to meet personal needs, it is not wrong.Especially when we are able to share their time in such a way that nopriorities are sacrificed.Then when the day was the day and all children had gathered, taking theto spread the attention and affection to them. Smallmay be asleep until the afternoon came, and they are already busy withschool affairs to gather together his mother, telling thewhat happened at school, until the affairs of finishing workhome.When it was evening time, we can free them to play for a while, andinvites little sister who shared whenever possible, while ourpreparing to cook dinner and welcome her husband. Cleanand beautify themselves, is important. With a fresh body, fatigue which maybeen attacked since noon at least a little relieved. Relaxing momentwith a book, can also be a choice of activities to break.Towards the evening prayer, invite the children to gather, reading prayersdaily. Perhaps they also will be very happy if the mother is pleasedread the stories of the Prophets and Companions struggle, or the full storyother lessons. Of course this can be done before they sleep. Tellor storytelling is a form of communication and effective learningfor children.And when the husband has come home, it would be nice if the whole familyto perform prayers in congregation, followed by dinner.Really, is not easy being a wife and mother, and it was impossible torealize the dream become 'super mom' or 'super-wife'. Among the activitiesdescribed above will certainly meet many obstacles, in accordance with the conditionseach one different. However, remains optimistic and tries to performbest, is also a thing worth fighting for. Do not rush inhouse is a form of obedience for women?So excited! Do not make this noble role as a moment in which welet degradation faith into temptation. While waiting to go home, set our hearts to be able to improve the quality yourself!

complete to your family

Chocolate and Rosesdo you know why love is often symbolized by roses ..?or often also people melambangkannya with chocolate ... .. why?Well that's my question to a lover across there.There are interesting habit of a religious teacher who, if returned to travel duringa few days to the task of religious lectures he always prepares a rose. His wifepick up at the station and when until he pulled out a flower rosesto the wife.Text message that I sent after I accidentally made her heart hurt,succumb to break the ice. Abang angry .... ! so the short message messageI sent a reply as being outside the city. it turns out that sentencemakes the relationship so stiff, soul restless because of missed greet, quiet of jokesand laughter in recent days.Because ...There are thorns on every rose petals relationship that is ready to prick the fingers of people who wantpick beauty.Because ... There is a sense of bitter sweetness that accompanies every time the person chewsbrown.Well that's my sister love affection, there is sweet and bitter like chocolate, there are beautifuland pain like a rose, there are happy and hard, there are jokes and sorrows, there islaughter and tears ... ..besides angry brother can joke too ...But if the blood is a price for a beauty? become bitterprice for the sweetness of a relationship? tears are the price of maturing tastelove? Then if the anger is not love? Though dear mother used to say "my son's motherangry because of affection "There are friends who will marry a good girl attitudetry to view his past "I hope women who had closewith me in the past given guidance by God and given a good matchI also like "no remorse after his past deeds are aware poorerhave been left scratching hearts women who had stopped his heart. Isindeed there must be a sick heart to be a price for a findingtrue happiness?"Ooooh ... .. so how ya already broken heart?" So I tease himah was not too cool ... my wife said:brother .... sister just want to love our jasmine white, clean and always beautiful ...... younger brother wanted the moon just to keep it sweet .... Not brown. Ah was not too cool ... maybe she was sayingCould be a broken-hearted woman on the edge of there saying "let alone possibly manylessons that can be taken. It may have not fit, maybe God knows he does notgood for me in the future. But still there is ever a barb.Create my brethren: let the little hearts are never sick, though minor scalesour reckoning, let cheap cost us to grow up ... ... do not try it.